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Never Worry About

Database Marketing



100% of your database marketing content...done for you!

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Professional, effective, and engagingĀ  content, automated so you never have to think about marketing to your database again!

  • Post-Fit Value-Add Engagement Series
  • Tested-Not-Treated Campaigns on Autopilot
  • Revenue-Driving Lifecycle Outreach Campaigns


Let's AuDomate My Database Marketing!

The Three Challenges of Automating Your Marketing:

Not a Strong Copywriter

Sure, you can write a mean chart note. Your new patient reports are top notch. But your promotional copywriting has your favorite patient snoozing in her La-Z-Boy three lines in...

Unsure What & When to Send

You want to communicate but you don't want to spam. You want to re-engage your patients and increase practice revenue, but you don't want to come across like a used car salesman. It's a balancing act that most just avoid altogether.

Overwhelmed By Complexity

Decision fatigue. DIY overwhelm. Too much on your plate, and frankly this one sits on the backburner. You have precious limited hours to work ON your business and automating your database marketing sounds about as fun as licking sandpaper.

The AuDomation 2.0 Solution!

Schedule an Audomation Call to Learn About Automating Your Practice's Database!

The right message at the right time, every time.


Professionally Written, Designed, Tested, and Proven Templates

No spammy messaging. 

These campaigns are written with care by a Doctor of Audiology who practices at the highest standards of the industry. Audomation 2.0's messaging gets amazing results for your practice while keeping your messaging professional and on-brand.

Trigger-Based Messages, Designed by a Private Practice Owner Audiologist

These aren't some theoretical campaigns written by a marketing guy who doesn't know the first thing about the needs of private practice owners. 

Instead, this is a program that was built by a private practice owner to automate a successful private practice's database marketing, and is now being used in over 200 clinics across the US and internationally.
Never worry about spamming your patients or prospects with these well-designed campaigns.

The Life- and Business-Changing Power of Automation

No more micro-managing your team, licking envelopes, or dropping the ball. 

How much time, energy, and effort will you and your team save when you never have to think about your database outreach again?
Schedule a Call to Learn More

What kind of "Campaigns" are we talking about here?

We've lovingly crafted campaigns (that's a series of mailers/emails that have custom-tailored messaging) for just about every stage a prospect or patient goes through in your practice. 

Here are a few of the big ones:

Tested Not Treated Recovery

Follow up with untreated prospects with timely messages and offers that increase the number of TNT's that pursue treatment from 2% (industry average) to up to 20% in our participating clinics.

Patient Lifecycle Engagement

Your average patient spends less than 2 hours a year in your clinic. Stay top-of-mind by providing value-added communications and engaging (customizable) promotions and offers.

Patient Recall - Warranty, Service, & Device Aging

Your existing patients are your best source of growth in your practice. Connect and serve current patients by automating your recall program, getting them back to the clinic on a regular, structured basis.

What if setting up your database marketing was effortless?


With Audomation 2.0, it is!

Schedule a Call to Learn More About Audomation for Your Practice

 What's Included?



Audomation 2.0 Email Campaigns

This turnkey program includes 36 professionally written, tested and proven email templates and triggers, uploaded to your Counselear account and ready to turn on when you say "go".

(Requires Counselear Marketing Automation Membership purchased separately through Counselear $19.95/location/month)

Tested Not Treated: Two years of compelling emails that overcome objections and get TNT's back in your clinic.

5 Years of Current Patient Nurture & Upgrade Emails: Create world-class patient experiences once patients leave your clinic. Keep them engaged and active, connected to your ecosystem, and ready to upgrade when the time comes.

No-Show and Cancellation Emails: You hard and spent money to get them into your clinic...these emails will help get them back on your schedule and ready to take action.

ā€‹Warranty Expiration: The exact email that we use in conjunction with the "Early Upgrade Strategy" to convert 20% of extended warranty consults into new technology upgrades, and 80% of the rest into profitable extended warranty programs

Service Plan Expiration: If you're unbundled or semi-unbundled, it's critical to get patients back in the clinic for follow-up care. Automate the process of recalling these patients and never let another person drop off the radar again!

Plus Birthdays, Ambassador Program, Review Solicitation, Extended Warranties, and More...

$5000 Value




Audomation 2.0 Direct Mail Campaigns

Over 34 (and growing) beautiful database mail pieces designed and written by Dr. Brad Stewart in collaboration with Counselear's direct mail partner, Bluewing Direct Mail.

(Just pay postage - no design fees or minimum mailing size)


Complement Your Email Campaigns: Each piece is thoughtfully written to complement this program's email campaigns, increasing your response rate and patient engagement at minimal cost. 

No Minimums, No Added Cost: Just pay Bluewing's low per-piece mailing cost. No design fees, no bulk mailings. Just targeted, right-time right-message marketing pieces that work.

Customizable Pieces: Do you have a strong brand message that you want to remain consistent with? The design and messaging of each piece can be fully customized in partnership with Bluewing at no added cost.
ā€‹Reach Everybody: Make sure your low-tech seniors stay in the loop and actively engaged with your practice with good old fashioned mailers...automatically!
Track Your ROI: Counselear's integrated Bluewing ROI dashboard lets you see exactly how much you spent and how much you have made with each direct mail campaign, and with your overall automated database program (Average ROI $40 revenue per $1 spent in over 200 clinics using this program).


$4500 Value


Bonus #1

The Early Upgrade Strategy

Learn the simple strategy Dr. Stewart uses in his clinics to consistently guide patients to updated technology or profitable in-house extended warranties (includes scripting and extended warranty document templates).

This strategy corresponds with the Extended Warranty email and direct mail pieces.
Follow this framework and scripting to reactivate patients at the end of their warranty period so you can stay top-of-mind as their choice for hearing care advice.


$995 Value


Bonus #2

The In-House Extended Warranty Strategy

Are you sharing the profits of your extended warranties with outside vendors?
Are you maximizing the "relationship value" of your extended warranty program?
Inside this training, I'll share the innovative scripting, templates, and strategy behind an in-house extended warranty program that: 
Increases patient lifetime value by over $400 per patient
Creates added perceived value for patients
Maximizes your extended warranty income
- Decreases the likelihood that your patients leave you for your competition

$995 Value


Bonus #3:

The CounselEAR Rapport Builder Pre-Consult System 

Build rapport before they walk in the door with a secret backdoor system hidden inside of CounselEAR's OMS to create relationship building pre-consult messaging that drive up perceived value and trust!

 **Purchase this program before 11:59pm CST on Monday, February 27th to receive this bonus**

$495 Value


Schedule a Call to Learn More About AuDomating Your Practice

What Are Other Practice Owners Saying?

Kevin Ivory, AuD

"Dr. Stewart’s email marketing automation was the exact thing I always wanted but never had the creativity, content, or time to develop on my own for patient retention, as well as following up with my tested not treated patients. His system was a no brainer marketing expense as it has already paid for itself (and more) in less than a month by automatically outreaching to every different type of patient in my database without having to do a thing!"

Cliff Olson, AuD

"I would consider Brad Stewart to be one of the best digital marketing experts in the hearing industry. If you're looking to incorporate marketing automation inside of your practice, Brad Stewart would be my first call."

What Would This Be Worth to Your Practice?


World-Class Patient Experiences

Automatically increase reviews, referrals, and patient loyalty

Shorten the Patient Buying Cycle

Patients happily upgrading technology every 3.5 years on average 

Increased Tested Not Treated Conversion

20% TNT conversion vs. 2% industry average ($68k revenue in my clinic in 2020)

No More Micro-Managing Follow-up

Free up staff time and eliminate human error and lazy follow-up





Schedule a Discovery Call to learn more about adding Marketing AuDomation to your practice!

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